【 日本 - ヨーロッパ対話型美術展 】出展作品/作家をご紹介します。

Koji Kamoji / 鴨治 晃次
(1980 / インスタレーション)
(ヤロスワフ・コズウォフスキ コレクション)
鴨治 晃次
1935年 東京生まれ
1953年〜1958年 武蔵野美術大学卒業
1959年 ポーランドに渡り、ワルシャワ美術アカデミーで学ぶ (1966年 卒業)
1965年以降 ポーランドの現代美術を代表する芸術活動に積極的に参加
1975年 C.K.ノルウィッド批評家賞、2015年 ヤン・サイビス賞受賞
(1980 / Installation)
Koji Kamoji, born in Tokyo in 1935, Japanese artist who has lived in Poland for more than 50 years. Active at the forefront of Polish avant-garde art, he has held numerous solo exhibitions and participated in many group shows in Poland and Europe. 1953-1958: studied at Musashino Art University, Tokyo (diploma 1958); in 1959 moved to Poland to study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (graduated 1966). Since 1965, he has actively participated in the leading contemporary Polish artistic activities. He was awarded the C.K. Norwid Critics' Prize in 1975 and the Jan Cybis Prize in 2015. Since 1967, he has collaborated with the Foksal Gallery in Warsaw.
The characteristic form of Koji Kamoji's work, in its brevity and abbreviation, is reminiscent of haiku, in which the poet records a mood of transience. His characteristic and frequently used word is 'concentration', which for this artist is the key to understanding culture, and this phenomenon is the main object of his artistic contemplation and analysis. Most of his work is art in situ and the context in which it is presented is unimportant. His realisations are often objects and arrangements specific to individual spaces.
【会 期】2023年4月8日(土) 〜 6月4日(日)
【会 場】本館1F / 展示室
【休館日】火・水曜 (祝日は開館)、4/24・27・5/1・8