【日本 - ヨーロッパ対話型美術展】出展作品/作家をご紹介します。
The Play / ザ・プレイ
(1969 / ポスター)
(1977 / ブックダイアリー)
(ヤロスワフ・コズウォフスキ コレクション)
1967年開催の「第1回PLAY展」では、神戸市三宮の東遊園地にて3日間1時間ずつ、参加者それぞれがハプニングを繰り広げた。これまでの作品に、発砲スチロール製の矢印形いかだに乗って各地の川を下る《現代美術の流れ》、1977~86年の毎夏に行った、京都府相良郡の鷲峰山・大峰山の山頂に丸太材からなる1辺約20mの三角錐の塔を組み、その先端に導雷針を付けて落雷を待つ《雷》、発砲スチロールとベニヤ板で六畳一間の家を制作、家の中で生活をしながら木津川・淀川を下った《IE:THE PLAY HAVE A HOUSE》(1972/2015)などがある。
(1977 / Book Dairy)
The Play: The Play is an artist collective based in the Kansai region that has been active since 1967, led by Keiichi Ikemizu. The members are fluid, recruiting people for each project, and have continued to work on 'experiencing' rather than producing something that remains in form. More than 100 people have participated in the 'experiencing'. 1st PLAY Exhibition, held in 1967, in which each participant created a happening for one hour each over three days at Higashi-Yuenchi (amusement park) in Sannomiya, Kobe. Previous works include Flow of Contemporary Art, in which they rafted a Styrofoam arrowhead raft down rivers in various regions; Lightning, in which they built a triangular pyramidal tower of logs measuring approximately 20 m on each side on the top of Mount Washibu and Mount Omine in Sagara County, Kyoto Prefecture, each summer from 1977 to 1986, and attached lightning conductors to the ends of the tower and waited for the lightning to strike; and a six-mat house made from Styrofoam and plywood, which they built in 1979. The Play's first solo exhibition at a museum looking back on their activities was held at the National Museum of Art, Osaka from 2016-17, and included printed matter, documentary photographs, The exhibition included printed matter, documentary photographs, video recordings, audio recordings and full-size documents.
【会 期】2023年4月8日(土) 〜 6月4日(日)
【会 場】本館1F / 展示室
【休館日】火・水曜 (祝日は開館)、4/24・27・5/1・8